Our Services

Diagnostic and Summary Reports

Diagnostic Report and Summary Reports can be prepared to share with your child’s school, other health professionals or educators.

speech therapist report altona point cook

Speech Therapy Reports

Reports are only ever provided to external parties with the informed consent of the child’s parents or caregivers.

Summary Report


A summary report of your child’s assessment results, or therapy progress, can be provided to you on request.

This report can provide other people involved in your child’s care (e.g. GP, Paediatrician, kindergarten, school, or other therapists) with information about their time in speech pathology. 

Diagnostic Report


A diagnostic report may be requested by someone involved in your child’s care (e.g. GP, Paediatrician), so as to assist them in understanding your child better. A detailed report is also required by schools for any funding applications they submit for their students. Please do not hesitate to talk with your Speech Pathologist about whether your child requires this more detailed assessment report. 

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Our waitlist is currently full, but please join the mailing list to be the first to hear when we open up more availability.

speech therapist report altona point cook


Why might you need a speech therapist’s report?

A parent might need a diagnostic speech therapy report for their child if they are concerned about their child’s ability to communicate. This report will provide an assessment of the child’s current speech and language skills, and make recommendations for appropriate interventions or accommodations. It can also help parents understand the nature of their child’s communication delay or disorder, and provide insight on how best to support them.

Our Speech Pathology Team

Pauline Hatty Speech Pathologist laverton

Pauline Hatty

Pauline has practised Speech Pathology since 1993. She has worked as a senior clinician in both the public and private sector, and has specialised in working with children since 1995.

Particular Interests:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Dyspraxia
Chantell Palmero Western Speech Pathology

Chantell Palermo

Chantell has practised Speech Pathology since 2002, in both the public and private sectors,  specialising in paediatrics. 

Particular Interests:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • School-aged learning difficulties
  • Preschool language disorder/delay
Lucy Adams Speech Pathologist laverton

Lucy Adams

Lucy is currently on Maternity Leave from Western Speech Pathology. She has practised Speech Pathology since 2008. 

Particular Interests:

  • Early childhood stuttering
  • Preschool speech and language delays
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

“Every child deserves to find their voice”